Turkey Risks Starting WWIII While Obama Golfs

The Obama administration will use whatever groups available that will further its ultimate interest in Syria, the removal of President Assad and the installation of a puppet government friendly to the US.  If ISIS can be a help, fine. Turkey, with its “fascist of the year” President Erdogan as Allen West calls him?  No problem.  If the Kurds get in the way, shove them out of the way.  And feed the American public the story that we are “fighting ISIS and terrorism” to keep them from engaging in any serious debate.

To keep the deception going, it’s important that the US public remains focused on Hillary’s health problems while the US government pursues its poorly thought out efforts at regime-change in Syria even if that means direct combat with the Syrian, and eventually, the Russian military. As The Economic Collapse Blog points out:

President Erdogan and his supporters have always dreamed of recreating the old Ottoman Empire, and they already have military forces occupying portions of northern Iraq.  This move into northern Syria is yet another bold move in the direction of their ultimate goal.

But will the Russians just stand by and allow the Turks to do whatever they want?


The Russians don’t want to fight Turkish forces in Syria, but as they have shown in Crimea, in Ukraine and elsewhere, they are definitely not afraid to take military action when their interests require it.

And if Russia and Turkey do start fighting, that would threaten to drag the rest of NATO (including the United States) into the conflict.

Someone in Washington has decided that it’s worth risking WW III in order to re-configure the Middle East according to Washington’s desires.  But Russia isn’t going to put up with the overthrow of Assad and the loss of its military base in that part of the world. When push comes to shove, and American and Russian forces are staring down their barrels at each other, WW III in all its horror, will loom large.

And we have Obama the Inept possibly followed by Hillary the Warmonger to call the shots.  Is there any better reason for Americans to seek a peaceful “regime-change” in Washington via the ballot-box?

Source:  The Economic Collapse Blog




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