Trump’s Ex Destroys NYT’s Hit Piece

The New York Times was caught lying about Donald Trump’s past with women and of course, they are acting like crusaders of the truth in defense of their Donald Trump smear piece.

The problem is that no single American actually believes this cheerleading rag anymore. It’s funded by friends who don’t want to see the NYT’s employees have to get real jobs. That is a terrifying prospect to a Manhattan liberal.

Fox News in on the mend now that Megyn Kelly and The Donald have made nice and the left’s age of leering at the right’s infighting in over for now. This means they must start lying about the man who will be the biggest threat to their Queen’s ambitions.

The New York Times hit piece is weak at best and listening to Rowanne Brewer Lane demolish it tells everyone how weak their hand is right now.

See the video below:



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