Donald Trump made an appearance on 60 minutes over the weekend. When Trump would not comply with giving up his tax plan, the interview turned to another hot button topic-immigration, and Trump’s deportation plan. Trump has been given negative reviews, mostly by the main stream media who portray him as a “fad”, and that his immigration plan is “absurd” . All of the big networks-CNN, FOX, and MSNBC have pundits predicting the fall of Trump. Even at the least left, FOX, only Sean Hannity seems to take him seriously. That said, the American people do not seem to be backing away from Trump-and his immigration proposals are as popular as ever.
more on Trump and immigration
Send them packing Trump!!!!!
Hey Trump, the circus called, they want their clown back!
No problem, Steve–How soon can you have your bags packed? Oh, you can’t take the car…You’ll have to steal another one after you cross the border.
I watched this and never have I seen Scott Pelly, or any one else interview Obama with such contempt as he did with Trump! If they had, he would never have been elected!
This is so simple: Almost all illegal aliens will self deport, they got here without our help, they can get home without our help. If there are no jobs, no free health care, no housing, no anchor babies, no anything, then the illegal alien invaders will go home. Just enforce the laws on the books! This is not brain surgery. That will not solve the problem 100% but if 29,000,000 illegal alien invaders self deport we can let the 17,000 Border Patrol actually do their job. No more walking across the border, well just try, the .338 just whizzed past your nose and the next one goes through your heart. Imagine no more Kate Steinle murders, imagine 94,000,000 American who are currently without jobs no have several choices for employment.
Well said Steve Ramirez
They are here Illegally.Kick them out.Who cares how they feel.All the Homeless Veterans sleeping on the streets.Who cares about their feelings.
you must like dicks a lot thinking about it so much.
If you overstay in Asian countries they will come and find you and put you in jail and deport you.. So why can’t we do it in the US.. Thank you Mr. Trump please do it.. Illegals are the ones getting all the jobs and get paid under the table and get free medical..
go donald
Can it be? Yes. Does it need to be? No