Trump Release of Bin Laden Documents Reveals Obama Collusion and Incompetence

About the only transparent thing about the Obama administration was its quest to circumvent the Congress in order to get everything he wanted done…actually done.  And he did…without even a whimper from the Republican Party.  That’s the sad reality of the Establishmentariat and how it reacts these days with the current administration.  Donald Trump has done nothing but attempt to enact the agenda for which he was elected.  That has been blocked over and over, not only by his political opponents in the Democrat Party, the FNIC, the intelligence community and the Hollywood morons, but also by his own party of Swamp RINOs too cowardly, too corpulent on taxpayer largesse, and too lazy to lift a finger on behalf of the American people!

The foreign policy of Obama was designed specifically to bring certain countries to their knees (i.e., the US, Great Britain, Syria, Israel, etc.) and other countries into exalted and powerful positions, particularly those that stood before the United Nations chamber and bashed anything remotely close to the non-globalist agenda.

The overriding foreign policy message of Obama’s first term was that the war on terror had been badly botched by his predecessor but was now in his capable hands and therefore being swiftly brought to a favorable close. The overriding imperative of his second term was to make a deal with the Iranian government. In a manner of speaking, Barack Obama wanted what al Qaeda already had: a mutually beneficial partnership with Tehran. Revealing to the American people the truth about Osama bin Laden’s cozy working relationship with the Iranian government might have fatally undermined that diplomatic quest, just as the ongoing vitality of al Qaeda, amply testified to in the bin Laden documents, would have contradicted Obama’s proud claims in 2012 that al Qaeda was “on the run.” So Obama, with the eager cooperation of some in the intelligence community, bottled up the bin Laden documents and ran out the clock.

The CIA release of the additional 470,000 documents includes a 19-page report on al Qaeda’s relationship with Iran authored by an unidentified al Qaeda operative. The author lays out some tensions between al Qaeda and Iran but makes clear those differences don’t preclude cooperation. The document reports that the Iranian regime was giving its “Saudi brothers” in al Qaeda “everything they needed.” This included safe haven in Iran, the facilitation of travel for senior al Qaeda operatives, and “money, arms,” and “training in Hezbollah camps in Lebanon, in exchange for striking American interests in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.”

The newly released documents also include a video from the wedding of Hamza bin Laden, Osama’s son and a prominent al Qaeda voice today. The video shows Hamza bin Laden and several other notable senior al Qaeda figures celebrating his marriage at an unidentified mosque. With the shouting of a child in the background echoing off marble walls, the shaky video shows the younger bin Laden, dressed in a gold robe and a black and white keffiyeh, reciting his wedding vows in a quiet, serious tone. The video was shot in Iran.

Interestingly, the FNIC won’t pick up this story, nor will they reference it when the 470,000 documents are actually combed through, translated, and found to contain damning evidence of misdemeanors and high crimes on behalf of the Obama administration because it was so partisan-focused as to ignore common safety and security of the United States.  Talk about unfit for office.

Additionally, this whole Iran Nuclear Deal was also an aside to another very important deal and that Uranium One.  Had it not been for the sale of 20% of America’s uranium that stood to enrich the Clintons, the Russians would not now be building the nuclear reactors for the power plants in Iran.  The Nuclear Deal was dependent on revealed them to be unaligned with bin Laden.  That was effected through the non-release of the 470,000 documents.  Once they were viewed as a non-threat, the next phase went into effect.  Uranium was sold to the Russians who desired to build power plants for one of their clients…Iran…but couldn’t do so until the sanctions were lifted.

This incestuous and colluding relationship between the Clinton State Department, the Obama administration, the Putin Kremlin and the Iranian government paved the way for a nuclear Iran and a much more dangerous world.

Source:  The Weekly Standard



  1. Kent
  2. Georgia
  3. Joan Cabany
  4. Christopher G. Morvant
  5. Jack
  6. Truthe
  7. David
  8. John Trites

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