It’s no surprise that Democrats are the only ones that continue to push the narrative of Russian collusion. The theory isn’t based on facts, it’s based on politics. Despite a total lack of evidence, Democrats continue to push the story because they know it hurts Trump, and that’s all that matters.
But facts should matter, and the facts suggest a different narrative altogether. It’s not Trump and the Republicans who have benefited the most from Russia — it’s the Democrats.
Last month, it was reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, hid millions of dollars he made from Russia before he joined the campaign. And he’s not alone. One of the country’s top Democrats has also made millions from Russia — but he’s hoping that no one will notice.
But now he’s been exposed. Read all about Democratic Senator Mark Warner’s financial ties to Russia on the next page:
He was way too sure of Russia collusion. Always a red flag! Usually the obes accusing are the guilty ones.
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Obama, created Isis, it’s part of the Clinton Globalization Plan, to promote the NWO. They are treasonous and should be in jail! The evidence is there. There are many politicians in on this and that’s why nothing is getting done!
But that is O K ?
Another lying hypocrite.
Stupid is as stupid does!