Transgender Teen Video Goes Crazy Viral

The public is a fickle friend and public exposure to the backlash of posting this video will harm this young teen. The mother, who took the video and chose to post it for all the world to critique was foolish.  Whether one thinks this is the bravest choice in the world, allowing a child to undergo hormone therapy to transition from a boy to a girl or a form of mutilation, posting a video of one’s underage child for the whole world to judge is idiocy.

The video, first posted to YouTube, explained that the teen had been waiting 2-1/2 years for doctors to approve the hormone treatments, and had been waiting months for a “readiness letter” to be sent to doctors in Chicago.

The mom told BuzzFeed that the incident was “the most pivotal turning point in [the child’s] life, and we both knew it.” She also said that if there is any negative backlash, it would be worth it to help even one child.

Public backlash and hate certainly won’t help her child let alone “one child”.  There are so many things utterly wrong with this scenario, but the mental health of one’s child, setting them up for public ridicule during some of the hardest years of life, while allowing them to choose one’s sexual orientation leaves one speechless.

Long term hormone therapy has not been well researched.  To allow a young teen to be the guinea pig of this kind of treatment is immoral.  To allow a young teen to also become the YouTube poster child for transgender hormone therapy is unconscionable.


Source: Breitbart



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