Trans Dorms are Coming to Universities this Fall

Trans Dorms are Coming to Universities this Fall

College campus across the nation have received a “Dear Colleague” from the Obama Administration, making it clear that transgender student rights to live in the house that represents their gender identity is protected by federal law.

Should any of the 2,100 residential colleges or universities across this great nation not provide adequate housing for transgender students, they could lose federal funding and face lawsuits.

The letter, sent in May, from the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice, pulled the Title IX card, a 1972 law, which prohibits “gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funds.”

The nationwide controversy regarding transgender bathroom use is now front and center at the collegiate level as schools “scramble to ensure that dorms meet federal standards”.

God forbid schools stand on the ethical standards and morals most were founded upon in order to continue getting federal funding.

Read the rest of the story on the next page.

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