Tragedy Narrowly Avoided with Armed Muslim in Church Shouting ‘Slay Infidels’

jihadist church

The Blaze reported the story:

“Every hair on my neck just stood up,” Johnson said of the moment Aziz walked into the conference room. “It was almost like you could just like feel the presence of just negative energy.”
Aziz almost immediately became irate, ranting that he was a “man of Islam” who had demons chasing him and was instructed to “slay the infidels” and kill any Christian or Jew who did not abide by the teachings of Islam.

Source: The Blaze

But Johnson, 45, remained calm and invited the man to sit. He asked what he could do for him as he stepped between him and the door to the rest of the church. Besides being the church pastor, Johnson works full-time as an intervention specialist. He’s also a former parole officer and has been trained in crisis prevention, verbal de-escalation and working with mentally ill offenders.
So Johnson asked the man to sit down and offered to pray for him and get him a cool drink. He said he needed to take care of the children quickly — his excuse to step out into the hall to alert his wife and another church member that Aziz had a gun.
He alerted the church to quietly evacuate. And as another church member already had dialed 911, Johnson decided to go, too.
“We can get another church. We can get more walls, but we cannot get new people,” the pastor told his wife.
Aziz was arrested later that afternoon by Smith County law enforcement. Do not think this cannot happen to you or wherever you are. Be aware.



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