We really don’t expect much from the Clintons when it comes to transparency. And they seldom disappoint. They’ve taken the practices of obfuscation and even just plain lying and turned them into art forms. So it comes as no surprise that their Clinton Foundation is tough to figure out.
What is a bit of a surprise is that a columnist from The Daily Kos (hardly a pro-Trump publication) can’t seem to figure out what the Clinton Foundation is either. He reckons that it’s supposed to be a charity, but then it’s not like any other charity. In fact, one independent firm that rates charities doesn’t rate the Clinton Foundation because it can’t figure it out. The whole thing might be inscrutable, but it does sound like something Bill and Hillary would come up with.
And let’s see how it might fit in with the New World Order.
Corruption at ALL Levels of Our Government and in the Media… People are Afraid of the Clintons and it shows.. Two sets of Rules and Laws in this Country, One for the Clintons and one set for everybody else…. The FBI & DOJ are a Disgrace to Our Country and to All in law enforcement … Trump 2016
The new white collar international dictators, or maybe just dictators with a more grandiose vision of themselves. Either way they need to be stopped just as every other dictator needed to be stopped.
Go read Saul Alinsky: How to Create a Social State and see the comparison to what has been going on in our country since 9/11/1990.
HRC and Obama are carrying all this out and it will become reality in full bloom for Americans 9/11/2023.
Sept 11, 1990 Bush announced the beginning measures of a THIRD WORLD.
Sept 11, 2001 Twin Towers, Pentagon and plane down in PA
11 YEARS LATER, At this point, just shy of 7 years
Cloward-Piven- 8 step process of changes in society to put NEW WORLD CONCEPT INTO PLAY – ALL BUT ONE HAS BEEN COMPLETED-wait for it. GUN CONTROL & STATE OF POLICE
HRC did a thesis on it years ago
11 Years from 9/11/2001
Sept 11, 2012. Benghazi
Dems have had control for years in order to put this all in place and they sure aren’t going to let a Republican railroad their plans at this point.
Trump used to be a DEMOCRAT, turned so called Republican, wrong it was a jack dressed as an elephant. A WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING.
The world will be separated into 3 major areas and a 4th to include Indigenous people.
EXACTLY!!! When People Study this, many Eyes become Wide AWAKE!!!
#TRUMP no matter what!!!
Wake up America…do you want a New World Order well that what Hillary is bringing to America if she gets in the White House!!