In the first evidence of political blowback against the failure of Congress to fund the southern border wall, a leading immigration group has pulled its prior endorsement of President Donald Trump.
Americans For Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) was an early supporter of Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Formed in 2004, the volunteer group has been a staunch opponent of illegal immigration and amnesty for illegals.
In a letter posted on its website, ALIPAC spelled out its reasons for pulling the endorsement, while acknowledging the decision may not sit well with Trump supporters.
Find out how strongly ALIPAC worded its announcement and what it means going forward. It’s all on the next page.
I think your blowback is somewhat premature! So I don’t believe you were ever solidly in his camp. So stop kidding yourselves!
Cut with the f**e stuff
Where the fu k was this organization when Obama was violating the constitution everyday. Trump has NOT violated the constitution due too the fact that it pertains to us Citizens not illegal immigrants
Really???? He is being blocked at every turn!! What do you want him to do? Trump will get it done!
RINO season opens Nov. 2018
NO REAL American thought this fight would be EASY!!! If ANYONE drops their support after 100 days NEVER REALLY supported him ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not…. They are a degenerate and are worthless douchebags.
Lol. Trump has 8yrs to go….!
Yeah… It will take awhile to root out 8yrs of Criminal Liberals and Islam Infiltration of our government by Obama and his Liberal cancer minions. Every rodent will be found.
The cancerous retards that voted for the Treasonous Muslim Obama or the Criminal Hillary. Chemo is being administered fully. You degenerates will never have a clue.
That’s why you degenerates lost then lost over a 1000 local seats and will lose MANY more the next election cycle you worthless degenerate douchebags.
We are weeding out everyone of the Treasonous Obama Muslim and Liberal sympathizers in our government down to the Janitor and cupcake makers.
An American Reckoning is near.
The ride is about to get very rough for you spoiled delinquent buttercups.
We haven’t even started yet.
Lynch needs to go