The Three Main Culprits of Bullying and Why Just Saying “No” Won’t Work

When the 1950s were rolling into the 1960s, the concept of the nuclear family had all but dissipated.  Hollywood had effectively caused Americans to begin questioning what it meant to be a family while Leftists, Communists and Socialists on the move in the Democrat Party for the very first time were calling the very idea of the family detestable.  The Left began to formulate this plan that had its beginnings in the Eugenics movement under such luminaries as Margaret Sanger and was to appropriate the strings of society through control of populations.

Population control was a concept that assured that certain people remained at the top of the decision-making process while everyone else stood in line for their daily dose of what they needed, be it food, medicine, clothing, shelter or drugs.  When the Democrat Party began to notice that their first best option to stay in power was to give away a little to get a lot, they became the party of programs.  Giveaways became a way of life with those who voted Democrat.  “If I vote for you, what’ll I get in return?”

The Left promised everything in return for one thing.  Accept that birth control, abortion, women in the workplace and emasculation of the male species as doctrine, and they would give you everything you needed to live.

The advent of both birth control and abortion came out of a commune-type mentality in the 1960s, fed by drugs, folk music, and the idea that Communism would work, but only if it was implemented the “right way.”  Soon, women were claiming their “independence from the home and motherhood,” babies in the womb changed to “fetuses, zygotes, and tumors that were a malignancy on your body,” pronoun phraseology began to alter (for example, waitresses and waiters became servers, actresses became actors, and comediennes became comedians), and the man had to begin undergoing female-sensitivity training that would lead them to a fuller understanding of what it meant to be a woman, leaving behind a masculine outlook in exchange for a more liberated, feminine way of looking at life.

Once this occurred, the push for women in the workplace by the National Organization of Women (NOW) was activated and men were deemed as unimportant to the survival of the human species.  Everything you needed in society could be and would be provided by women.

The family’s back had been broken…except in the religious communities.  The church managed to combat these images of the family being poison to society and held back the tide of growing discontent in women, cordoning it off to just those who lived in the world.

The Left moved to its next objective.  Remove the church from the schools and the homes through extensive programs of anti-faith gestures and operations designed to build up distrust and seething hatred for those that were in the faith.  They did this mainly through novels, movies and television.  If you’ll notice, Leftist authors, screenwriters and directors have a way of presenting any and all religious individuals in these mediums as perverted, disturbed, murderous, torturous and insane people whose interpretations of the holy scriptures is always fallible and twisted.  Stephen King was brilliant in his constant renditions of faithful people who were flawed, unscrupulous and absolute lunatics.

Over the next three decades, the church saw a gradual decline in attendance.  With the advent of witchcraft, Satanic worship, and pagan rituals, as well as alternative religions endorsed by celebrities like Tom Cruise and Oprah Winfrey, Scientology and the Secret became huge, replacing faith in God with faith in self AS God.

Turn to the final page to learn about how technology has completed the journey for the Left to implement its own devious brand of population control and how cyberbullying has become a lazy man’s convenience store for all their bully needs!

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