The Coming Office Parties and Long Lines to Get Microchipped

Microchipping has been held up to the standards of modern technology as just another way to have convenience at your fingertips (literally).  The point of the chipping, however, is the way that the government and other interested organizations will be able to direct how you feel, think and act.  The ultimate goal of this program has nothing to do with convenience, either on the parts of a willing (or unwilling) public or the NWO.

The ultimate goal of chipping is to control the mind.  How will this be done?  If you have read about the Trillion Sensor Vision, then it will be through a literal saturation of your body, both internally and externally, with thousands and perhaps even hundreds of thousands of microchips, too small to possibly view with the human eye, but with a radio frequency capacity to affect you in several different ways.  If these chips eventually work their way into your circulatory system, some will eventually be brought to your brain.

And that’s the goal.

There are other ways, however, that are not hidden or mandatorily-administered and that’s through actual implantation.  First, however, the idea of chipping must be a trendy operation.  How do they accomplish acceptance on a mass scale?  How else?  Through parties!

Will microchipping parties be the next generation of those outrageously expensive candle parties? Will folks be pimping microchips like they do those scented wax melts? Will it become some kind of MLM thing to make it even more socially acceptable?

There are other ways, too.  By producing chip-friendly stories masquerading as news, the advocates for this practice will make the idea of chipping so normalized as to appear almost routine, mundane and ho-hum.  And this would be a perfect storm for the NWO.

A UK newspaper, the Sun, explains how awesome it is to be microchipped.

The woman sat next to you could be hiding an implant under the skin which slowly releases hormones to stop her from getting pregnant.

Nans and granddads across the nation come installed with cutting-edge technology installed just to boost their hearing and vision seeing or help them walk with comfort.

We’re preparing ourselves for the next form of evolution in which humans will merge with artificial intelligence, becoming one with computers.

At least that’s the belief of Dr. Patrick Kramer, chief cyborg officer at Digiwell, a company that claims to be dedicated to “upgrading humans”.

Seriously, who wouldn’t want all that awesomeness in their lives?

All this “awesomeness” however still has many naysayers.  These are the people who are seen as the “enemy” to progress and the standard of the human condition being advanced.  These are the people who will be punished for their not toeing the technological line.

An 84-year-old doctor in New Hampshire, Anna Konopka, who has been practicing since the 1960s and is revered in her region as a great holdover from the age of house calls, accepting trade for treatment, and keeping manila folders and copious handwritten notes as part of her practice.  Unfortunately for Dr. Konopka, that is behavior that is liable to force her out of medicine.

In addition to recommending homeopathic cures and treatments and shying away from vaccinations, this doctor is also an advocate of less prescriptions and medications, rather than more.  Her methodology has caught the attention of the medical board in New Hampshire and she is now in serious jeopardy of losing her license to practice!

How can they rationalize this move, legally?  Easy.  They stipulate that under New Hampshire medicine laws, she must transfer all her paperwork for her practice (thousands of handwritten files) to a computer system.  If she defies that order, she will lose her license!

Why is this important and how does it relate to the chipping process?

This is another way for the established governmental procedures to inhibit the use of the old ways of recording information because there is less likely an ability to “fudge” the text.  Forgeries are much more easily found than the electronic signatures left behind by computer hackers.  Look at how difficult it is to get any information from the FBI in regards to Hillary’s emails that were deleted permanently, despite having a physical part of the device leftover.

Sure, the information in a handwritten medical file could be tampered with, but if it was electronically kept, how much easier would it be to alter a date or a word or a name, than if that document had to be hand-forged?

The NWO doesn’t want things to be difficult.  It wants the convenience of being able to push a button or click a mouse and see a reaction.  The same goes for people.  How nice would it be if the NWO could just direct people to do something or say something with the push of a button or the click of a mouse?

Of course, with that technology comes the other side of the coin as well.  If the one side can cause some behavior in a person one way, who’s to say that an opposite behavior couldn’t be achieved by a simple hacking of the chip?

While the current chips being “installed” in humans are said not to have GPS tracking, don’t you figure it’s just a matter of time? And also, how do you KNOW that there is no GPS tracking technology in that teeny little chip? Just because they tell you so?

Then there is the issue of the chip in your body being hacked.

“This is serious stuff. We’re talking about a nonstop potential connection to my body and I can’t turn it off, I can’t put it away, it’s in me. That’s a big problem,” said Ian Sherr, an executive editor at CNET.

“It’s very easy to hack a chip implant, so my advice is don’t put your life secrets on an implant, Sjöblad said…

“It’s about educating the people and giving every person the tools…not only how to use the technology but, more importantly, when it’s being used against you,” Sjöblad warned.

And microchipping won’t stop with a payment chip in your hand.

The endgame is microchipping people’s brains. And folks are chomping at the bit to get them. Scientists are saying that they can fix mental health issues with brain chips, they can make people smarter, and help them “merge” with AI. A chipped person could, theoretically, think his thoughts right onto his computer.

So, with these chips in our brains, we’ll actually be merging with computers to some degree. The robot overlords will have a pretty easy takeover if our brains can be accessed like this.

Microchips may not be optional one day.

Read on the next page about the US Government has installed actual law that promotes and in some cases mandates the practice of microchipping by using medical necessity as its vehicle and justification!

Next Page »



  1. Teriqua Jones

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