Texas Judge Sentences Man To Get Married…Or Go To Jail


According to the couple’s testimony, Bundy had overheard the ex saying ‘disrespectful things’ to his girlfriend, so he challenged the ex to a fight and ‘hit him in the jaw twice.’

As part of the probation, the judge stated Bundy must write Bible verses, get counseling and marry Jaynes.

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Jaynes, who was in the courtroom, was embarrassed when she heard the judge’s prison proposal.

She said: ‘My face was so red, people behind me were laughing.

The newlyweds plan to have another ceremony

The newlyweds plan to have another ceremony

‘[The judge] made me stand up in court.’

In order to avoid Bundy being taken into custody, the couple consented to the union and applied for a marriage license.

As a result, they had only 18 days to plan for their courthouse wedding and many of their friends and family members were unable to attend the summer ceremony last month.

Jaynes called the ceremony ‘pieced together’ and did not even have time to get a white dress.

Bundy said: ‘My father didn’t get to go, and that really bothers me, I know he would have liked to be there.

‘None of my sisters got to show up, it was such short notice, I couldn’t get it together.’

It is possible that the sentence would have been vacated by a higher court on appeal.

The newlyweds are planning to have another ceremony after they have had time to save up money.

Despite the rushed ceremony, they do not regret getting married.

Source: dailymail.co.uk



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