Texas HS bans Honor Society Ribbons at Graduation for Inclusiveness

The left has long fought to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments — or lack thereof — equally, even when the accomplishments are far from equal.  Recently, two Pittsburgh Steelers players made the news for returning their children’s participation trophies from little league sports to teach them the value of working hard towards a goal.

Plano Senior High School has hopped onboard the P.C. Express and announced they will not let honor students celebrate their accomplishments at their graduation ceremony.

A high school in Plano, Texas, is denying National Honor Society (NHS) members the right to wear the NHS emblem on white stoles for graduation.The reason given says one mother – graduates may not wear any club or organizational regalia, and they cannot “single out” students.

Kelly Ann Frederick says she was told by a National Honor Society sponsor that school officials wanted everyone to feel included on graduation day. She was told that school administrators did not want to single out any students, reported KVUE ABC.

Her son has worked for many years for the right to be recognized for that honor, but Garrett Frederick will not be able to wear the NHS stole.

KVUE reported that he said,”I’m not just an honor student – I’m an NHS student. I worked hard. I put in the hours.” The young man explained that in addition to achieving good grades, he also performed twenty hours of community service every semester.

In an attempt to make all students feel equal, they have downplayed the accomplishments of the NHS students, thus promoting mediocrity.  It is no wonder that young adults are entering the real world today and expecting to have everything handed to them.

Source: Breitbart



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