Is that a pig flying? No, it’s a duly-elected Republican official standing up to Obama! The governor from the great state of Texas is once again showing the nation what a truly strong patriot looks like.
As Obama and his leftist sycophants openly plot to further restrict the ability of Americans to sell and buy guns, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has come out in defense of gun owners. Fed up with liberal anti-gun schemes, he called out the president directly on Twitter.
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They are worst
Need this guy in congress and speaker of the house
Can someone tell me what MOLON LABE is?
There are Muslim camps here in the US who have guns….why isn’t he taking their guns???? If we allow this administration to strip us from our 2nd Amendment, it will be down hill from here for all of us. It won’t matter what side your on.
Amen on the God bless Texas and the other 49 states too. He’s already blessed all of us, it the thugs in Washington trying to take those blessings from us. That’s what happens when politicians get God complexes.
Alright, not in Texas!!!!!!!!@!
Glad you said that!
You get him governor. This is our state and someone as despicable as Oboner shouldn’t be allowed to tell us what to do. Where is the most violence happening. Not here. Then where? How about Chicago, Ononers home town.
The TRUTH always HURTS!!!!!