Tesla’s 5 Suppressed Inventions That Threaten the Global Elite

Tesla’s 5 Suppressed Inventions That Threaten the Global Elite

Mankind has a limitless potential to do great and unthinkable things. There was a time when the idea of putting a man on the moon was considered ridiculous. Today, not only has man been on the moon, but several men and women have been there, as well. Like many modern technological advances, space travel is no longer confined to the heads of the imaginative and the pages of science-fiction novels.

While this all fun to think about, new technology also poses a certain danger, and often not the kind that threatens people if put in the wrong hands (though that is always something to worry about). The kind of danger I’m referring to is the kind that threatens the global elite. Not only does the government and corporations suppress technology, they’ve been caught doing it several times.

Why? Because all they see is dollar signs and power. And one man more than any other has been victim to this suppression. Find out who on the next page.

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