Terror-Stricken France on Precipice of Becoming Police State

It goes without saying that terrorism must be stamped out, but it is not unreasonable for citizens to ask “at what cost?” Indeed, Benjamin Franklin, one of our country’s founding fathers, famously said, “He who gives up essential liberty for security deserves neither security nor liberty.” Perhaps the French, who also have a rich history of loving liberty, would be wise to heed Franklin’s advice:

“It is now routine to see armed soldiers patrolling among shoppers and cafe goers along French city streets. Citizens have to submit to random checks on their bags, body pat downs and metal detector arches as they enter public buildings.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve is urging ‘all French patriots’ to join the police or army reserves.

There are even demands from Marine Le Pen, the National Front leader, for the return of compulsory national service.

Over the past year, thousands of French citizens have been arrested or had their homes raided by police without warrants. Some 20,000 people are said to be under surveillance by French authorities.

The State of Emergency has also seen the government banning public demonstrations against unpopular legislation to curtail workers’ rights. That unprecedented infringement on civil liberties has been justified as a necessary ‘national security’ measure to combat terror threats.

France has thus entered a permanent emergency state, marked by high levels of police powers and militarization of society, and the suspension of democratic rights and freedoms. This is merely a few degrees away from outright dictatorship.”

Source: RT



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