Tech Who Wiped Clinton Refuses to Talk to Congress

The FBI may have concluded their investigation into Hillary Clinton, but that doesn’t mean the ordeal is over. Now, it’s congress’ turn, and Clinton’s staff are once again refusing to talk.

Two employees for the tech firm that managed Hillary Clinton’s private email server invoked their Fifth Amendment rights in a House hearing on Tuesday.

Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton both appeared in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for a hearing to examine the preservation of Clinton’s State Department emails.

Both technicians work for Platte River Networks (PRN), a Denver-based tech firm that Clinton hired in 2013 to manage her private email setup.

Combetta is one of two technicians who was granted immunity by the Justice Department in order to cooperate with the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s server. The other is Bryan Pagliano, a former Clinton campaign official who managed Clinton’s off-the-books email server as an IT adviser at the State Department. He ignored the Oversight Committee’s subpoena to appear on Tuesday.

Combetta’s immunity agreement has angered some Republican lawmakers because he seemingly lied to the FBI during one of two interviews he attended earlier this year.

Why would someone take immunity or refuse to talk if no crimes were committed?

They clearly have things to hide, and without the Clinton name, they might actually be subject to the law.

Source: The Daily Caller



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