Sweden Christian Fast Food Owners Hit With Chilling Graffiti: ‘Convert of Die’

Sweden Christian Fast Food Owners Hit With Chilling Graffiti: ‘Convert of Die’

Let’s say your neighbor’s house was on fire. The flames have settled, but now your neighbor is homeless. You are a kind and thoughtful person, so you invite your neighbor into your house until their home is repaired. Your neighbor says your wife should wear a hijab, your daughter is promiscuous, and you all need to go to mosque. Now your wondering how long it will be until your neighbor burns down your own house.

Sweden’s open-door immigration policy  has brought hundreds of thousands of Muslim and ISIS sympathizers onto their shores and now it seems the kindly Christian’s homes and businesses are at risk as well. A worrisome trend has grown common in Gothenburg, Sweden, especially. Just recently a Christian restaurant was graffiti-ed with the phrase “convert or die!”

Find out what the Swedish Christians are facing on page 2


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