Stephen King: “American Male” Trump Voters are Sexist and Racist

This week, Stephen King made his “disappointment” with Trump voters very clear.

In an interview with Rolling Stone this week, the 68-year-old author weighed in on Trump’s meteoric political ascent and his belief that presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is the only candidate “remotely qualified” to handle the country’s top job.

“I am very disappointed in the country,” King told Rolling Stone of Trump’s apparent popularity. “I think that he’s sort of the last stand of a sort of American male who feels like women have gotten out of their place and they’re letting in all these people that have the wrong skin colors. He speaks to those people.”

“Trump is extremely popular because people would like to have a world where you just didn’t question that the white American was at the top of the pecking order,” he added.

How ironic that the very liberals who condemn racist and sexist accusations are the first to blame whiteness and male superiority for all of the things they choose not to understand. It’s unlikely that King noticed how ludicrously ridiculous it is to generally attack an entire a sex and race… for being sexist and racist.

Source: Breitbart

Photo: Stephanie Lawton



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