Starbucks Employee Fired After Admitting to Credit Card Theft on Video

Starbucks Employee Fired After Admitting to Credit Card Theft on Video

There’s nothing more awkward than being called out for doing something stupid, especially if that stupid thing involved stealing money. A Starbucks employee in Bellflower, CA, was fired after admitting that she stole a customer’s credit card information. Juana Martinez, the woman that the card belonged to said she caught the cashier in the act and then later confronted her on video.

If you click on the video below, you can see this entire thing unfold. The teenager appeared shocked at first, but her game face didn’t hold up long enough for to even attempt lying about it. As Martinez accused her of running up a $200 bill at Ralph’s, her defenses crumbled and she began to rapid fire apologies. Her only defense for this act was that she’s a teenager, which she says repeatedly as she tries to convince Martinez that she’s a “good” kid.

Watch the video below.

The employee has since been fired, and the woman, Juana Martinez has yet to press charges. Hopefully this will be a good lesson for her next time she decides to take something that isn’t hers and that she didn’t earn, which seems to be a typical trait for young people in California.



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