There’s nothing more satisfying then watching a social justice warrior get owned by a guy with a microphone in front of an entire crowd of people. Seriously, if YouTube has taught the world anything, it’s that you don’t insult the guy with the microphone. It’s not going to end well.
That being said, after spewing some obnoxious comments about racism and bigotry to an open panel of Conservative comedians, three liberal activists in the front row, got exactly what they deserved, and the crowd loved every second of it!
The event was called “The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?” and featured radio host, Steven Crowder, Milo Yiannopoulos and Professor Christina Hoff Sommers. It took place at the University of Massachusetts, so naturally it was filled with liberal students who were only there to heckle the attendees and those on stage for their Conservative beliefs.
Bad idea!
It took less that ten minutes for Steven Crowder to decide he’d had enough of the hecklers and literally went on a tyrant that wasn’t just hilarious, but it was also full of truth.
Watch the video on the next page.
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Okay, fair enough. Could you at least ask him to return all of the Fast & Furious weapons, along with the names of all traitor agents involved in supp let’s like: Epic!I’m tired of saying nothing & doing nothing. It’s time we rally together, get the truth out & make changes to the system.
We need more people like this guy putting lunatic liberals in their place and giving them their own dose of what they give out to others. Let them be on the receiving end of ridicule and mockery for their stupid illogical belief system pushed on them by fascist professors at liberal indoctrination camps, I mean schools and colleges.
is that what they call assholes now???
This is what Bernie will look like in November