Sheriff Blasts Sanctuary Laws, Accomplices to Alleged Cop Killer Cannot Be Reported to ICE

Sheriff Blasts Sanctuary Laws, Accomplices to Alleged Cop Killer Cannot Be Reported to ICE

The sheriff of Stanislaus County, California is raging against sanctuary laws that he believes could be partly accountable for the murder of a 33-year-old police officer and legal immigrant by an illegal immigrant.

Sheriff Adam Christianson said during a presser on Friday that Cpl. Ronil Singh would likely still be alive if it were not for the state’s laws that prohibited law enforcement from reporting to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about the illegal alien that allegedly took the life of the officer.

“This is a criminal illegal alien with prior criminal activity that should have been reported to ICE,” Christianson said following the arrest of suspect Gustavo Perez Arriaga.

“We were prohibited, law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with Singh. I’m suggesting that the outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn’t restricted, prohibited or had their hands tied because of political interference,” Christianson continued.

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