The Shemitah: Predictive Biblical Pattern Reveals That Economic Collapse Likely In 2015


In the Bible, the people of Israel were commanded to let the land lie fallow every seven years.  There would be no sowing and no reaping, and this is something that God took very seriously.  In fact, the failure to observe these Sabbath years was one of the main reasons cited in the Scriptures for why the Jewish people were exiled to Babylon in 586 BC.

But there was more to the Shemitah year than just letting the land lie fallow.

On the last day of the Shemitah year, the people of Israel were instructed to perform a releasing of debts.  We find the following in Deuteronomy chapter 15…

At the end of every seven years you shall grant a relinquishing of debtsThis is the manner of the relinquishing: Every creditor that has loaned anything to his neighbor shall relinquish it. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother, because it is called the Lord’s relinquishment.

This happened at the end of every seven years on Elul 29 – the day right before Rosh Hashanah on the Biblical calendar.


According to Cahn, every seven years is supposed to be a blessing, but because people have fallen away from God, every seven years brings a curse.

So is the Shemitah affecting us today?

Interestingly, those on Wall Street are well aware of a pattern of crashes that occur every seven years. As it just so happens, this lines up with the years of the Shemitah.

Below is the most recent 7 year cycle. Not showing the full 7×7. But you get the idea!

The Sabbatical Cycle. Five 7-Year Cycles: 1980-2015, monthly
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Below we have 200 years of Dow Jones Industrials (monthly line chart). Also below we have from wikipedia a list of economic crisis from 1800s. Match the crisis up with the chart and research 200 years of 7 year cycles. You will see that some dips are minor, some are medium and some a major. What the next dip will be is any one guess??

(!INDU) Dow Jones Industrial, Monthly
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List of economic crises (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


Shorter interviews with Cahn:


3-part series with Cahn:





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