Seven Mysterious Mass Animal Deaths in 2017

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Top Seven Mysterious Animal Deaths in 2017

2) Thousands of Fish Die in Cianjur Indonesia

The most famous mass fish death is likely the Biblical story of Moses turning the Nile River into blood. But, mass fish deaths have also started to occur again in great numbers. Can you imagine 300 tons of fish suddenly dying as is the case that just happened in Cianjur Indonesia?

Forgive the rough translation

Cianjur-about 300 tons of fish belonging to a farmer in Mande, Cianjur, West Java, sudden death. Goldfish, bawal, and nila who died was in the keramba floating in the waters of the reservoir Jangari on Cirata, precisely in the Maleber Block, Ciputri, and Jatinengang.

They suspect the fish died from lack of oxygen. Yet how does that suddenly happen to previously healthy waters?

AEP Saepudin (42), one of the Jatinenggang block, fish farmers said dead fish, since three days ago and lasts until today. She suspected, fish die due to the phenomenon of upwelling or feedback, so the fish lack of oxygen.

What do you think? Head on over to the next page to find out more about the cattle “mysteriously” dying in Saskatchewan, Canada. Number 3 is a real mystery!

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