Senior German Official: An EU Army Inevitable

The European Union has steadily transformed itself from a viable, rumbling engine of a sleek sedan (running on Ethanol) into a very old, clunky, rusted-out hull of a Volkswagen Beetle.  The decline has not happened overnight, but if you go by the writings of T.R. Reid and remember that his book in 2004, filled with glowing reviews of the EU and monstrously rose-colored Utopian predictions about its future, has taken a very bad turn by the year 2016.

The EU hopefuls in the Leftist media have attempted to paint a very cheery picture of the current status of its financial and economic strength, but the picture is beginning to take on the ruminations of a meltdown, looking more like a demented version of a Salvador Dali work.  Even the Wikipedia version of its history talks about the dreaded Brexit vote as such: A referendum in the UK on its membership of the European Union was held on 23 June 2016, with a very slight majority of participants voting to leave.

Doesn’t a “very slight majority” still mean you lost?  At any rate, as you can see, the European Union has been collapsing in under its own weight for almost a decade, with monumentally crushing unemployment numbers running down the value of the currency and running up the tempers of the other more vigorous member nations.  One of the many reasons why the British people voted to leave the EU revolved around the constant habit of the Union to pass the hat more often through Britain, Germany and France, than through the other member nations.  While other less responsible member nations squandered whatever money came their way based on their affiliation, the stronger ones were expected to foot the bill.  It was sort of the same situation as occurs between the United States and other member nations of NATO and the UN.

As nationalism began to make a small comeback, based on the fact that many Europeans were beginning to feel the sting of the massive influx of Muslims from the Middle East, the European Union doubled down and vowed to keep its borders open and basically unsecured against enemies that were pouring through literally by the millions.

Finally, there was the terrible way in which the EU attempted to handle its very naughty member nations who were either in the process of insolvency or were completely bereft of a financial plan to recover from Socialism gone wild.  When Greece went belly up and was unable to recover, Brussels ended up bailing them out the first time, and now is looking for a 50B Eurodollar bailout.  Its public debt stands at 177% of its GDP!  According to the Telegraph, in 2017:

Altogether there are five European nations whose debts are larger than their economic output, and 21 that have debts larger than the 60 per cent-of-GDP limit set out in the Maastricht Treaty.

The purpose of all this information is to prepare you for the kicker.  Germany has announced that the formation of a European Union army is inevitable.

One of Germany’s most senior defence officials has become the latest to add his voice to calls for a European army.

Hans-Peter Bartels, Germany’s national defence commissioner, on Monday called for Nato’s EU members to organise their militaries into a single force.

“In the end, there will be a European army,” he said.

His comments, on the same day Brexit talks formally began, are a sign the rest of the EU is preparing to press ahead with further defence integration.

Britain has repeatedly blocked plans for an integrated European defence policy, but other member states have warned it cannot expect to have a say in the issue post-Brexit.

There have been growing calls for a single European defence policy in the wake of Donald Trump’s comments that Nato is “obsolete”.

At a Nato summit last month President Trump publicly lectured European leaders on the need to pay more towards the cost of their defence.

“We are currently disorganised, technically fragmented and duplicate structures unnecesarily,” Mr Bartels said.

“We do not want to go down the solitary national path any more. Not in Germany, not in the Netherlands, not in the Czech Republic and not in Italy.”

France and Germany have led calls for a European army. The Netherlands and Germany have already merged some units, while the Czech Republic and Romania have expressed interest.

“Every step in the right direction is important,” Mr Bartels, an official appointed by the German parliament to oversee the military said.

So, as you can see, as always, it’s the fault of the United States.  If President Trump hadn’t called them on their being deadbeats, well, then they wouldn’t feel compelled to go out and form their own army.

The mystery of all this is, however:  where is the cash going to come from in order to build this Wonder Army of the Future?  The dominant portion of the member nations of the EU are broke or just breaking even.  Unemployment, as stated before, is a shambles.  Some of the nations are hovering in the 20%-30% range!  That’s unsustainable in anybody’s book.  Iceland was admitted a couple years back without any regard to its economic status after its three major banks failed.  Many thought that the island nation was admitted purely because of the miserable success story that the EU was shaping up to be.  The thought was that if they could bring in another nation, the appearance wouldn’t be as dire.  That’s before Iceland’s krona fell by 60%.

This idea of an EU army may be a fanciful idea, but it is not a practical endeavor.  My feeling is that these nations need to be steering demonstrably away from Socialism and focus on reconstruction of their capitalist prowess that has brought so much in the way of economic and financial freedom to many European nations.  Additionally, they need to get a better hold on their immigration woes and the fact that tourism has taken a nasty downturn during the rise of Islamic terror.  That’s a long way off, however, as many of the member nations appear unwilling, unable, or fearful of attempting such a clampdown on migrants and refugees.  Many of these nations have taken a more harsh stance against this sort of unfettered streaming in of immigrants, but only to the degree that they’re pawning them off on other member nations due to overcrowding and filthy conditions, as well as incompatibility of the social services in understanding the vast differences in cultures between Western-value Europeans and Sharia law Muslims.

Until such a time that all these ills can be wrestled to the ground and apprehended for the long haul, a European Union army is an absolute daydream of epic proportions.

Source:  The Telegraph / The Guardian / The Telegraph 2



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