Senator Warren to Trump: We are Never, Ever Going to Build Your Stupid Wall

“Trump speak with forked tongue, have plenty bad deal!” came Senator Elizabeth “Jackass Braying” Warren (JA-MA) in her electrifying speech to a house full of Leftist Supremacists hopped up on medical marijuana and Pokémon Go!

The event took place in Atlanta and was called the Netroots Nation Annual Conference 2017 where Regressives from all over the planet converged for a raucous night of spouse-swapping, wine-cork sniffing, Communist manifesto readings, and of course, the year-long anticipated speeches of the best and [not so] brightest that the Democrats have to offer.

“It’s time to say that Democrats are on the side of American values. So we’re gonna fight for comprehensive immigration reform. Yeah. We’re gonna say to every Dreamer in this country, “You are an American. This country is your home and we have your back. That’s what we’re gonna say. We’re gonna fight to wipe the stain of Donald Trump’s Muslim ban off the books once and for all. And by the way, Mr. President, we’re never, ever going to build your stupid Wall. [Mouthing] Never.”

So, I’m gonna do something a little unorthodox here…a little different than what I normally do.  I’m gonna give the Jackasses some help.  No one can deny that they NEED HELP, right?  I mean, just listen to this pathetic rant.  It’s really sad.  Despite the fact that this woman is not a young squaw anymore…I think she’s pushing 85 or 90 and with the Democrats really struggling to put anyone at the front of their candidate pool under 100, it’s really starting to show how old and White they really are.  When your back bench are using walkers and denture cream, you know it’s time for a change!

That being said, I really feel for these old, White folks who are beginning to resemble the ones that are put into the homes by their kids and their only visitors are mean nurses who steal their jewelry and their kids asking them to remember, for the love of God, where they put the key to the train station lock box full of cash!

I’m going to rewrite this little rant for Jackass Braying; one that will truthfully put forward the Democrat plan for the future of America and the greatness that can only follow if people would just stop paying attention to the Trump supporters and start voting for the party of the old, rich White folks!  Here goes:

“It’s time to say that Democrats are on the side of unlimited abortions, massive tax increases, exponential growth of welfare recipients, no jobs for minorities, a stagnant economy, unfair trading agreements that penalize American business which forces them overseas, unlimited refugee invasion onto our home soil, a single-payer healthcare system, relentless attacks on your privacy through NSA tapping, higher taxes for White privilege, free tuition for all unemployed and assistance-receiving minorities, free surgeries for all sex-reassignment, a complete shutdown of all Conservative and Right-Wing media, as well as a complete deletion of all “hate” websites on the Right, installation of Sharia Law in all courts around the country, weapon bans for all citizenry, delegalization of homeschooling, no fish or hunting ever again, only growing GMO foods for mass consumption, and lifetime appointments for all elected officials.  We’re gonna say to every Dreamer in this country, “You are an illegal, so be proud!  You have successfully broken US federal immigration laws and gotten away with it!  You have stolen the identities of countless American citizens when you purchased Social Security Numbers and IDs!  You deserve to be here!  You shouldn’t have to hide anymore.  Come out of the shadows and usurp the leftover pathetic vestiges of White European supremacy that we in the Democratic Party have worked so hard to demean, diminish, divide and decimate!  Stand up, my Muslim brothers and sisters!  Strap on your vests and march in every village, every town and every city in this great nation and show the American people that you mean business!  We have your back!  As for this Wall!  We vow in the Democrat Party to ensure that each and every one of you Americans who support this stupid Wall are the first to be visited by MS-13 gangs and drug cartel hitmen when we topple this fool from office!  The Great Spirit bless America!”

Whaddaya think?  Pretty good, right?  I mean, it covers most of the points that the Democrat Party stands for, it’s up front and honest (Americans really dig that in an elected official), it takes it right to us Right-Wingers, it pretty much excludes the RINOs from any culpability of the Right’s crazy wacko ideology, and leaves Democrats with a sense that we Conservatives will be punished severely for supporting our candidate and now president!  It’ll probably need some tweaking, but I think overall it works!  I’m up for peer review at any time.

The progressive lawmaker, who many believe has plans to run for president in 2020, rattled off a litany of grievances she has with the Trump administration and Republicans.

At one point, Warren went after her former Senate colleague, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, calling him “a man too racist to become a judge in the 1980s.”

A border wall was a major theme of Trump’s presidential campaign. He not only said that he would build the structure along the 2,000-mile border, but that Mexico would pay for it. The Republican has had to revise that claim as Mexico’s president has insisted that his government will not pay for the wall. The Trump administration has also indicated that a fence, rather than a wall, will be erected in some places along the border.

The decision to fund the border barrier could ultimately lie in the hands of the Senate, where Republicans hold 52 seats.

Suffice it to say that I am hoping and praying that Senator Jackass Braying does attempt to run in 2020.  That being the case, senator, I’m throwing my hat in the ring right now.  You’re gonna need a speechwriter and I’m your man…or your woman if you need me to don stockings (I know how you Democrat men adore that).  So, with guy-liner and man-scara at the ready and a killer wig that rivals Hillary’s or Kathy Griffin’s, I await your call, madam senator.  And may the Great Spirit be with you!

Source:  The Daily Caller



  1. margaret horn

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