Senate Majority Leader McConnell to Block President Trump’s Tax Refunds

Senate Majority Leader McConnell seems to have suddenly discovered fiscal restraint. He is demanding that any budget be “revenue neutral.” Where was Mr. McConnell when Mr. Obama doubled the national debt?

It’s not that supporting deficit spending is desirable, it’s the double standard. Apparently Senate Majority Leader McConnell is willing to give Democrats a pass, but not Republicans.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that any tax overhaul can’t add to the growing U.S. budget deficit, a position that places him at odds with President Donald Trump, who has called for a significant tax cut.

McConnell said in an interview Tuesday with Bloomberg News that the nation’s “alarming” debt requires an approach that would balance tax cuts with new sources of revenue to avoid changing overall government receipts.

“It will have to be revenue-neutral,” he said. “We have a $21 trillion debt.”

The senator is just now discovering this?

McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, didn’t commit to completing tax legislation this year, but said he and other congressional leaders have begun regular meetings with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Trump’s chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn, on potential legislation.

This is precises the stuff that infuriates people. McConnell won’t say if or when he’ll get tax legislation done, but he can assure us that he will hold plenty of meetings. Obviously, this is not leadership but is abdication of responsibility.

The lack of Democratic support for a GOP tax package will require Republicans to use budget rules that require revenue neutrality in exchange for pushing through permanent tax changes with only 50 votes, McConnell said. The GOP controls only 52 of the chamber’s 100 seats.

What about just changing the rules like the Senate fortunately chose to do in order to get Judge Gorsuch confirmed to the Supreme Court?

This tax reform project touches so many areas that it is understandable that getting a consensus will not be easy. But that is McConnell’s and Ryan’s job. If they cannot do it, the Republicans need to remove them and replace them with those who will.

“My goal is to try to get to 50 votes,” McConnell said.

Wrong. Senator McConnell, you already have 52 votes. Actually, 53 if you want to count the Vice-President as a tie-breaker. Your job is to lead. That means bringing these 52 together and proving to the American people that you can do your job and pass the tax bill. If you cannot get the required votes, at least have the decency and integrity to step aside and let someone who is capable take the leadership roll.

The Republicans need to develop a spine and learn to play hardball. If a RINO such as McCain doesn’t want to get on board, remove him from his precious and coveted chairmanship. In fact, that ought to be done anyway.

Will the real Republican Party please stand up?

Source: Accounting Today

Image: Gage Skidmore



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