No Child Left Behind is almost a thing of the past! On Wednesday, December 9, the U.S. Senate passed, with ease, the Every Student Succeeds Act which will drastically alter how the federal government will undertake K-12 education. The bill has already passed the House and is waiting for Obama’s signature, who is supportive because of the failure of No Child Left Behind and Common Core. It has received bipartisan support, even though it transfers education policy to the States.
The Department of Education has lost a great deal of power, while States have been given much more oversight in the area how to use federal funds, intervention in failing schools and teacher evaluations. Another vital change is the prohibition of any federal government action to force states, or incentivize states to adopt Common Core. On the following page learn more about this positive legislation of the future of our children.
don’t vote for jeb bush its his puppy
Common core slows and rots the mind.
I am a marine, a felon, father. My daughters believe I can take care of them. Only God needs to judge my actions.
Common core is ment to keep the parents from helping their children learn mathematics (DUMB DOWN THE CHILDREN)
This is just one example of laws passed in err by ignorant people in Congress. How about we ditch a few of the others too.
Glad to hear that common core is going along with most of no child left behind
I can’t believe Obama actually signed it into law though
What gives?
Privatize public schools and you’ll see your children get a real education
About time
Absolutely, government brainwashing starting in kindergarten.