Scientists Find Conception Begins in a Flash of Light

Life begins with a fireworks show, when the sperm meets the egg and a baby is conceived.  Certainly such a miracle deserves a grand display of theatrics and the Creator of life did just that.  The question of when life begins has been settled, but sadly the science behind this discovery is not to promote life, but rather to pick and choose which life has most value, in a the manner of nazi-style ethics.

A new scientific breakthrough might go a long way towards changing hearts and minds: scientists have been able to capture the moment life begins, with a bright flash of light as a new life is conceived…

However, this is not what is happening.

So basically, the scientists are advocating for embryos to be created in order to facilitate IVF, and then destroyed if they don’t seem to be the healthiest, strongest embryos. The ones with a dimmer glow are deemed to be weaker, perhaps because of a genetic abnormality, and so after creating their unique lives, scientists plan to destroy them. This is even though science has also just confirmed that babies with abnormalities can self-correct while still in the womb. People who are undergoing IVF are often encouraged to destroy “defective” embryos, ending the lives that were just created, without giving the embryos any chance at all to grow and develop, and certainly without placing any value on the uniqueness of each human life.

The beauty of life and conception has been proved by science, yet scientist still want to use this incredible discovery to destroy life, not celebrate it.  Yet the evidence of when life begins is so profound that it must be shared and utilized to change the hearts and minds of America.;

Source: Life Site News



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