Schumer Say Gas Prices Never Go Down; Just as Prices Hit Lowest Level They’ve Been in 12 Years

This Week host George Stephanopoulos deserves credit for keeping a straight face while Schumer went on his gas price rant.

Gas prices are sticky — you know, when the domestic price goes, uh, when the, uh, price for oil goes up on the markets, it goes right up but it never goes down,” Schumer said. “How the heck did we let Exxon and Mobil merge?”

The New York senator blamed high gas prices on “huge companies buying up other big companies.”

By claiming gas prices are “sticky,” Schumer means they’re not influenced by market conditions such as supply and demand, and are resistant to change. The Federal Reserve has specifically cited gas prices as an example of “not sticky prices.

Meanwhile, the nationwide average gas price was at $2.39 per gallon as of July 17, a decrease from the $2.47 per gallon when President Trump entered office, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

There are those darn pesky facts again, just making Schumer look like the inspiration for Ron White’s comedy routine. And making it look like President Trump might Make America Great Again!

The American Automobile Administration (AAA) reported that gas prices were at their lowest in 12 years the weekend before July 4.  Much of the decrease relates to increases in domestic supplies thanks to hydraulic fracking, which reduces American dependence on foreign oil sources.

Any number of factors can affect prices at the gas pump. Among the leading ones are: the price of crude oil on the world market; the amount of refining capacity available to produce enough gas to meet driver demand; the amount of driving in and around holiday and vacation periods; general economic conditions that may inhibit or encourage driving.

That’s not taking into account world events such as wars and terrorism that can disrupt the flow of crude oil and gasoline to world markets.

But, no, Chuck Schumer knows best. It’s just those greedy oil companies constantly jacking up the price without any regard to economics. Believe it or not, the folks running oil companies passed Economics 101 with flying colors.

Source: Breitbart




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