School Drops Michelle Obama’s Lunch Program, Students Return To Cafeteria

school drops michelle obama school lunch

A Montana high school has dropped Michelle Obama’s food program due to decreased sales. Students would previously leave campus at lunch and return with fast food instead of staying to eat the stuff the cafeteria was offering. Once the program was dropped, school lunch sales went up by over 1,000 customers, proving again that free market economies are fundamental and irrefutable. Besides, kids want what they want, explained Allison Beckman:

“While some parents and students were against the switch, other saw it as a necessary move in order to prevent the school from losing money.

Alison Beckman, the high school’s food service manager, said over the summer : ‘They’re young adults.

‘At this age you’re not going to tell them what to eat.

‘All the new rules and mandates have done is push students off campus to the fast food restaurants.'”

Source: The Daily Mail

At a critical growth stage in their lives, it’s important that teenagers be allowed to seek out the food they need. It just makes sense that if students are going to get what they went, the school should profit from it.


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