Sanders Supporters Mistake one another for Trump Supporters, Brutal Beatdown Ensues

Much to the chagrin of the mainstream media, their assertions that Donald Trump supporters are the ones responsible for recent violence at the GOP nominee’s rallies have been disproven time and time again by this pesky little thing called evidence.  More proof that it is actually left-wing groups — ones that usually support Bernie Sanders — that are responsible for this violence emerged this week when two groups of Bernie Sanders mistakenly beat each other up.

Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters were recently caught on camera beating each other up, mistaking each as Donald Trump supporters.

In the video, which was uploaded to YouTube Friday, rowdy protesters are seen getting more violent with each other, thinking the others were Trump supporters. Towards the end of the one-minute video, the crowd begins to chant “Bernie! Bernie!”

The fight broke out during the protest of the Trump rally at San Jose Thursday. The protesters attacked Trump supporters in other instances, pelting them with eggs, burning “Make America Great Again” hats and American flags.

Bernie Sanders supporters have much to be upset about after Hillary Clinton clinched the 2,383 delegates necessary to secure the nomination Monday.  As many of the Sanders crowd do not like Trump or Clinton, it will be interesting to see if they continue to protest throughout the general election or return to their parents’ basements to pout in silence.

Source: The Daily Caller



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