Not much has emerged about San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook, but the little that has paints an interesting picture.
A native-born citizen of the US, the 28 year old child of Muslim immigrants grew up on a farm amongst goats and chickens and grew up to become an environmental inspector for the San Bernardino County health department. Described by colleagues as quiet and polite, Farook never gave any indication that he resented his coworkers or plotted violence against them, which makes another part of the story all the more interesting.
Earlier this year, Farook went on a trip to Saudi Arabia, where he stayed for a month and returned home with a bride, future accomplice Tashfeen Malik. It was also reported that he grew out a beard a couple months before the shooting, a grooming practice common amongst fundamentalist Muslims.
To see more about the San Bernardino shooter, click the link below:
Very boy like
Well, he’s met his Maker by now and I’m sure he’s more than a little surprised!
The Wahhabi school out of Saudi Arabia is the origin of today’s so called radical Islam. Please read history people. This issue is so complex Islam has many factions just as Christianity it is only a recent development that radical Islam has sprung up due to western media propaganda. Sadly most radical Islam is in so called allies of NATO only because they help in our oil and illegal drug trade.
Can not understand that these people kill our people and seem like the government don’t care and then they want to take our guns they are idiots
Wahhabi is very old.
These are the Salaf. The generals of the Prophet since 622c.e to early 700 c.e. Basically, the 1st and 2nd Caliphates.
Muhammad ibn Abd Wahhab from the 1700’s only wanted to bring the Salaf back because during 1700’s, the Turks were in control; not the original Arabs. So, Wahab used the old preaching methods of Ibn Taymiyya, one of the 7th Century Salafi.
In other words, Wahabbism is not “recent”, it was created 1400 years ago.
Namely, the 1st initiation of Arab Islamic World Conquest. 622 c.e to 1031 c.e. (Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates)
Thank you I’ll research more on your information if I was misled if like to know because I was led to believe the house of saud with colonial interests came up with a brand of radical Islam all their own. It’s very complex and I welcome corrections as I do not know what I do not know.
No problem. What people need to realize is that Islam came from Arabia. It originated there by and through Arab Conquest.
The Arabs were in control. That is until the Kurds took control during the Crusades, and 200 some years later, the Turks gained control after the Kurds.
This basically subjugated the Arabs and allowed the Mawali civilization (non-Arab Muslim) to suppress the Arabs using the Arabs’ own techniques to suppress the arabs. This pissed off the Arabs for a very long time. That is until Wahhab wating to rise the Salafi back to gain caliphate control back to the Arabs.
They’ve been waiting for a very long time because the Ottoman Turks were very powerful. That is until 1923, the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate.
So, from 1923 to this very day, the Salafi had been gaining power. The Arab Spring basically unlocked the door for Arabs to gain control and thus the Islamic State had risen.
But it gets more complicated than that because Salafi are Sunni Fundamentalists.
There are also Shia Fundamentalists whom are mostly of Persian decent. And the Persian Shia hate Sunni, because it was because of the Salafi that conquered Persia 1300 years ago.
Sauri Arabia is the birth place of many of the worlds radicals like Osama Ben Laden!!!