As Russia heads into Syria full force, the US and the Russian politicos have wasted no time, trading propaganda. Who knows where lies the truth? The Russians say all the US has been doing is bombing the desert. The US states the Russians are doing everything but targeting ISIS.
One way to break down and cut through the manure, is to detail what we do know, take some of what they say, and apply common sense.
Obama’s big deal has been to say “We will lead from behind”, which when it comes to Syria, that has not worked. One CIA analyst, now retired, remarked Obama wanted to lay back in Syria, see if ISIS would dethrone Assad. Maybe. Then just take out ISIS – whom Obama has called the JV team.
Enter Russia and Putin. Putin said his number one priority was Assad. Not ISIS. So it makes sense that Russia is bombing not ISIS but those who are a threat to Assad – the Syrian US backed rebels.
More views on the Middle East
We don’t Miss the Targets>>>give me a break>>> ob imagenery Winning Game jus a Ruaaazzzzze. Pretender<<<<<<<<
Ryan Labinski , Just as bad as ISIS?? Really?? America produces 14 Million Barrels of oil per day. America imports 11 Million Barrels of oil per day. Russia produces 11 Million Barrels per day and exports 8 Million Barrels of oil per day. In 2014 Syria produced 33 Thousand Barrels per day. In 2010 Syria produced about 150 Thousand Barrels per day. They consumed 260 Thousand barrels per day in 2011 during their peak prodution which means that even at peak production they still had to import oil.
Currently Syria is estimated to be consuming approximately 200 Thousand Barrels per day when they only produce about 30 Thousand barrels per day! So currectly they import almost all their oil!!
So you are saying a country like Russia which has plenty of oil, consumes only 3 Million 200 Thousand Barrels of their own oil, and exports 7 Million 800 Thousand Barrels of their own oil wants to occupy a country like Syria for it’s oil when it has none and has to import almost all the oil it consumes?? You might want to look for another excuse for Russia’s involvment and get educated before you spread lies and misinformation??
Not sure about Putin, but I know our POTSHIT is a liar.
Well at least there aim is improving
Doesn’t surprise me!