Rogers: Trump Appeals to Democrats as Much as Republicans

A woman Trump supporter is getting viral attention this week, and its creating quite the stir amongst liberals. As explained by Allen B. West:

It goes so completely against the narrative for SO many reasons, and yet here we are. A registered Democrat, a woman and a black woman at that is a fervent and passionate Donald Trump supporter.

Even the punditry agrees, the Trump phenomenon may not be exclusively Republican. While his assertions are disputed, testimonies like the on below this makes one wonder.

Can the Republican establishment steer GOP voters away from Donald Trump? Pundits on CNN chewed over the matter recently, with one conservative arguing they shouldn’t try.

“I think we’re missing one important point here. Donald Trump is appealing as much to Democrats as he is to Republicans,” said Mike Rogers, a former Republican congressman from Michigan and CNN’s national security commentator, on Jan. 12.

Democrats better watch out, as the “Trump can’t win” argument is getting weaker by the day.

Sources: Allen B. West, Politifact




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