Rob Reiner: Trump is a Sociopath

Rob Reiner was visiting the ladies on The View and in the Hot Topics section of the show, was asked questions regarding the Lyndon Johnson (due to the fact that Harrelson played the former president in the movie) and Reiner elucidated on his thoughts about the successor of JFK.  He also related Johnson to the current president and how he saw Trump’s job performance so far.  Reiner, a long-time Democrat, is simply not a fan of the president and made his thoughts known without parsing words.

“He has no empathy. I hate to say it, but he’s a sociopath. I mean he has no feeling for other people.”

“It’s one of the thousands of things like that. When you talked about the Khan family, Meghan McCain who you had out here when he said he’s not a real hero because he got captured. I mean, it’s one thing after the next. It’s just a part of everything that he has done.”

Needless to say, The View is a specifically aligned program that has a purposeful message.  The president is not a popular figure with the hosts of this show and Reiner was certainly in friendly company during his interview.

Meanwhile, the president is focusing all of his efforts this week to the upcoming Tax Plan for all Americans.




  1. Rebec
  2. Yvonne Massey

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