Revealed: George Soros’ Scheme to Federalize Local Law Enforcement

We all know that George Soros is a billionaire globalist who uses his wealth to promote a statist society, one where the individual and individual rights become very small, and international government replaces the old republic America’s founders sought to create.

Getting control over local police is a huge step forward for Mr. Soros’ globalist agenda. And incidents involving the police and minorities such as the one that occurred in my old home town of Ferguson play directly into his hands. Especially when he has an administration in the U.S. that shares his vision, and is eager to deploy assets to work in concert with Soros and the organizations he funds.

From a leaked memo of Soros’ Open Society Foundations we learn that

[t]he document identifies an opportunity in the police killings of African-American men in Ferguson, Staten Island, North Charleston, and Baltimore. It relates that the U.S. contingent of Open Society held a planning meeting titled, “Police Reform: How to Take Advantage of the Crisis of the Moment and Drive Long-Term Institutional Change in Police-Community Practice.”

and that

[t]he extensive memo further documents that Soros-financed groups and personalities influenced President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which last May released a final report consisting of 60 recommendations providing guidance to localities on how to modify policing practices.

Only observant and educated citizens can see why it’s so vital to Mr. Soros’ plans that Hillary follow Obama. And only such vigilant citizens can prevent their country from being subverted  by statists such as Soros, Obama, and Hillary.

Source:  Breitbart



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