Report: Trump Plotting ‘Independent White House’, Full War with GOP

The two-way deal between Republican congressmen and Donald Trump is crumbling before our eyes. When Trump took office, GOP politicians promised to deliver support to President Trump in return for Trump’s willingness to go along with their policy prescriptions.

Trump has held up his end of the deal — but the Republicans haven’t. Instead, they’ve sent few pieces of landmark legislation to the president and have defended him even less. Now, reports claim he’s about to cut them out if they don’t shape up.

On the same day that Anthony Scaramucci was removed as White House Communications Director, leaks have been flowing out of the Trump administration.

According CNBC’s John Harwood, an anonymous “Ryan-Priebus” ally revealed to the reporter that President Trump is preparing to plot a more “independent” course for the White House, while taking on GOP lawmakers.

“Ryan-Priebus ally to me: next phase of Trump presidency will be warfare against GOP Congress,” tweeted Harwood.

Daily Caller cites that the Trump admin has experienced a ‘staggering’ number of leaks as compared to Bush and Obama:

“Even a narrow search revealed leaks of comparable information during the Trump administration that were about seven times higher than the same period during the two previous administrations,” reads the report, entitled “State Secrets: How an Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security.”

Senate Homeland Security report, July 6, 2017.

The study, which was authorized by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, used Executive Order 13526 as a baseline for the analysis.

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit published the following dire call for action:

President Trump must take immediate action.
The president must demand that ALL top level employees in the State Department, the Department of Justice, Intelligence, the White House, etc. to take lie detector tests or resign.

President Trump must also move from the White House.

He has plenty of options.

If Trump wants to stop the leaks and save his administration he needs to take action soon — or Deep State will take him out.

The war is far from over, the sides are still squaring off. The introduction of the nonpartisan John Kelly as Chief of Staff certainly suggests that the transition is underway — but only time will tell.

Source: Gateway Pundit,  Gateway PunditDaily Caller



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