Once Barack Obama has left office, he intends to take his Nobel Peace Prize to New York and run for secretary-general of the United Nations. This is interesting, because the UN is just as weak on foreign affairs as Barack Obama. I think they’d make a good fit. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, has sworn to do everything he can to subvert Obama’s run for the position.
An aide to PM Netanyahu says that Barack Obama has been the worst President that Israel has had to deal with in recent memory. Netanyahu feels that Barack Obama has moved away from supporting the moderate Islamic factions in the Middle East and instead elected to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and making a weak nuclear pact with Iran. This is not to mention Obama’s support for extremist rebels in the Syrian civil war. In fact, a secretary-general Barack Obama could do more damage than President Barack Obama.
Find out more about Obama’s plan on page 2.
Don’t let him get in the UN !!!!! Get US out of the UN!
Ben is right on..
Fist of all he didn’t deserve a Nobel Peace Prize…the low life lying scum bag….and this devil should NEVER be allowed in any office again. He still gets the same pay he’s receiving as he is destroying America for the rest of his life. And I sure hope his life is very very short!! I have never detested anyone as much as I do him….He needs to be in prison, along with killary, for the rest of their lives.
He was a black panther one of the biggest racist groups out there and a Muslim!