Report: Hillary Asked Mueller to ‘Hand-deliver’ Uranium During Secret ‘Plane-side Tarmac Meeting’

Joe Hoft, guest writing at the Gateway Pundit, has offered that he believes that the entire reason for Mueller having been tucked into the Special Counsel bed in the first place was to hide the very information that is currently being leaked to the press.  While it’s true that people are learning the truth through alternative media sources (and to their credit, The Hill, which proves day after day how much it despises Trump), it is nevertheless up to Robert Mueller and the Fake News Industrial Complex to decide what is important, what is punishable, and most shockingly, what is going to be revealed in the end.

Rush Limbaugh has hammered this opinion home as well on his show.  Limbaugh offered the opinion yesterday that he believes that the reasons why the RINOs allowed all of this to pass them by without question was because they honestly believed that Clinton would be their president today.  As such, they were not going to cross her and suffer her legendary Hillary Clinton-style payback.

In addition, many other alternative media sources are beginning to suspect that Rod Rosenstein, who was the man directly responsible for slipping Mueller in as Special Counsel, has a hand (as well as a vested interest) in making all this disappear.  Perhaps he too felt the sting of a possible “whitelash” from Clinton.

Many may be wondering why Rosenstein was the man to appoint Mueller.  If you recall, one of the first things that Attorney General Jeff Sessions did when confirmed was to recuse himself from the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.  By doing so, he set up Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General, to name the appointment of a Special Counsel.  Let’s not forget that Rosenstein was a George W. Bush Establishment appointment, and that he was recruited by none other than Eric Holder himself to work in the Department of Justice!

If we continue to follow the strangling vine farther back, we only uncover more questions and more individuals wrapped up in this ever-increasing scandal of incredible scope!

Read on the next page about the up-to-the-minute newest allegations that place the Clinton campaign at the center of the Dossier controversy and possibly even John McCain!

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  1. Mike
  2. Duran
  3. Frank
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