Speaking with Greta Van Susteren, Trey Gowdy responded to a recent complaint by Congressman Jim Moran (D., Va.) that our federal representatives are underpaid.
Gowdy took less than a minute to destroy Moran’s self-serving argument that members of Congress should get a pay raise.
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Photo: DCClothesline
How can they even have the thought of being underpaid ? wtf ?? What a joke. Balance the budget, fix the school system, and create jobs, then maybe you can warrant asking for a raise-
Trey for president he has my vote.
wow yeah I’ld vote for him as president
B.S. They get enough as it is. N O MORE. Stop all of them from getting any more money.
Finally one that shows some common sense.
How in the actual hell is $170,000 not enough? How much money do these people spend on strippers and blow that 170 grand isn’t enough?
Respect to you Trey.
Wonder why we are in the hole, with, who much is common sense worth???? NOT THAT MUCH. Give it to the seniors that make less that 10,000.00 a year.