Rep. Brooks Exposes Benghazi Email Discrepancy


Clinton, when faced with the two stacks of emails, 795 pages in 2011, and only 67 pages in 2012, she dodged the implication.  Brooks related that before Stevens went into Benghazi, he and Clinton met with the head of the Syrian rebels in Paris.  After that meeting, Stevens, aboard a Greek cargo ship was dropped off at Benghazi.

It was theorized by the Republican committee members, that Clinton through back channels was the driving force behind the Libya offensive to overturn Gaddafi.  Anonymous sources from the White House state Obama was against the offensive, he was not for removing Gaddafi, yet Clinton pushed for his removal.  We know that offensive took place, and Gaddafi was killed in October 2011.  This would back up the 795 pages of emails going to Clinton in 2011.

If the removal of Gaddafi was her program, Clinton would want sometimes hourly updates.  It follows that the Paris meeting prior to Stevens arriving in Benghazi with the head of the Syrian rebels would connect him to forces in the Middle East wanting to overthrow the leaders.

Fast forward to September of 2012.  With two months to the Presidential election, Obama was running on his “foreign policy” record, a record which included most importantly Clinton.  If the Middle East policy was seen as a disaster (which we now know it is) Obama could not have pinned his re-election on “all the good that has happened in the Middle East”, he could not have said to Romney “the 80’s are calling and want their foreign policy back” in response to Romney identifying Russia as the biggest Geo-political threat.  Romney’s information was the Middle East would turn into a vacuum and that Russia, who is aligned with Iran, would have the ability to fill that vacuum.  That Russia is looking to return to its Soviet days of power within the world.

Rep. Susan Brooks from the hearing:

We know from talking to your senior advisers that they knew…to send you important information,” she added. “I can only conclude by your own records that there was a lack in interest in Libya in 2012.”


Source: Breitbart News


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