Recent Border Surge Brings In Illegal Immigrant Children By The Thousands

Recent Border Surge Brings In Illegal Immigrant Children By The Thousands

Reports are now incoming that yet another surge of illegal immigrant children are arriving at our southern border, as the number of “Unaccompanied Alien Children” has doubled year over year in the months of October and November.

You may remember reports last year that highlighted a very similar problem: Thousands of juveniles were flowing across our border, and our country was unable — or unwilling — to send them back. Instead, they were shipped deeper into the U.S., into local towns and cities, many of which protested their arrival.

Well its happening again, but this time it’s even bigger.

It’s so big that facilities our government has set up to house these illegal immigrant children are overflowing, as beds for the kids are in short supply.

The real question then becomes, why are we housing these children in the first place? They aren’t from here, they don’t belong here, and the United States government has no obligation to serve as the guardians to these children. If they’re coming from south of the border, send them back over the border. Maybe we could even build a wall to stop them in the first place… but of course that’s ridiculous, apparently.

To see the staggering number of children crossing our borders, continue reading on the next page:

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