Proven Bias: Trump U Judge Awards Scholarship to Illegal Immigrant

While the media continues to paint Donald Trump’s criticism of Trump University judge Gonzalo Curiel as racist, few are acknowledging the judge’s own disregard for legal immigration — a key component of Trump’s candidacy. Gonzalo proved his bais when he picked the recipients of scholarship money in 2014.

While nearly all of the scholarship winners were born in another country Ricardo Elorza bragged about his accomplishments as an illegal.

Mr. Elorza immigration to the United States when he was 11 years old. In college, he led worships at high schools, non-profit organizations, colleges and parks where he talked about the DREAM ACT…. Mr. Elorza wishes to someday tell any student struggling with higher education, “Look, a boy from Oaxaca, who did not know English and is undocumented has now graduated from law school and is an attorney.”

The media attacked Trump for pointing out that the anti-Trump judge who had allowed a class action lawsuit to proceed against him was a Trump hater.

Is he Mexican?

You bet he’s Mexican. The judge’s obsessed with letting you know how Mexican he is.

“We were working without the disconnect of interpreters and barriers of culture,” Curiel told the New York Times in 2002. “When it comes down to it this [drug dealing across the border] involves the country of our parents.” (Tim Weiner, “New Web of Trust Topples a Mighty Mexican Cartel,” New York Times, April 26, 2002)

Curiel isn’t disqualified from the trial because he has Mexican heritage. He should be disqualified because his Mexican heritage has clouded his judgement when it comes to the rule of law.

Source: Got News

la_raza_judge_affiliation la raza doc




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