Prof: Suggesting That I Listen to The Beatles is a Microagression

According to a publication titled Psychology Today, a micro-aggresion can be defined as, “the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.”

Therefore, what Rodriguez is saying is that convincing somebody to listen to the Beatles is derogatory. I don’t go out of my way to listen to them, but calling their music derogatory seems a little derogatory in itself.

“My friend, caught in his ethnocentric blindness, could not grasp that somebody would have a different experience and values from him,” he continued.

Rodriguez claimed that there are many examples of people in this “dominant culture” acting like jerks because they’re just not enlightened enough to realize that they’re doing so — such as the people at the playground who jokingly ask his three-year-old son if he has “has a girlfriend yet,” when really Rodriguez “truly [does] not know what [his] son’s sexual orientation, or gender identification for that matter, is and will be.”

Lest you think Rodriguez is just being an oversensitive whiner, he explains that the “dominant group’s perspective” being “vast institutionally reinforced” (sic) can cause people outside of it to feel “excluded, other, or ‘less than.’”

The lesson that can be learned from this is, don’t recommend movies, music or really anything at all to people who are of a different skin color than you . . . only if you’re white, though. This is both political correctness taken to a  ridiculous height and liberal whining mixed into a blender of unexplainable reasoning.


Photo: James Vaughan



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