President Obama’s Big Intelligence Lie

President Obama’s Big Intelligence Lie

When you heard the words “For seven years, I’ve confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing,” it was lie.

Breitbart offers this:

President Barack Obama tried to reassure the American people from the Oval Office on Sunday evening that he takes the threat of terrorism seriously: “For seven years, I’ve confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing.” However, as the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has shown, Obama skips more than half of his daily intelligence briefings.
The data comes from the White House itself, which has admitted Obama’s absence but has said he reads the material on his iPad.

Rest assured America, the President places his top secret information on terrorism right next to Angry Birds.

The GAI report is a hot potato and the left is trying to cool it down. They cite stylistic differences between Presidents, they say it’s okay that President Obama phones it in and they even have tried to attack the report itself.

However, there remains an big problem with the President’s statement, so let’s understand how the truth took a beating here.

See the next page where the lie is exposed.

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