Predatory Loan: Harvey Weinstein Saved Bill Clinton After Monica Lewinsky Scandal Blew-Up

Harvey Weinstein takes care of his own fellow pigs. That must be why he is so surprised he is being thrown under the bus without much comment from all his former partners-in-crime.

Harvey Weinstein BAILED out Bill Clinton after the public backlash following the sordid Monica Lewinsky scandal.

When Bill Clinton was at the height of the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, Hollywood was by his side, offering donations for his legal fees, and one significant donor was a man who is now going through his own sex scandal—Harvey Weinstein.

The two did in fact have a very intimate bond, but thanks to the $2.2 million in donations that Weinstein and friends like Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen and Barbara Streisand provided Clinton, he was able to stay in the Oval Office.

Weinstein donated the maximum amount possible to Clinton’s legal fund during this period – $10,000 checks being thrown around like pennies.

NUMEROUS other Hollywood stars and producers also donated to the Clinton.

Hollywood was quick to come to the president’s aid. Among the 62 donors giving the maximum $10,000 were performers and directors such as Tom Hanks, Barbra Streisand, Michael Douglas, Ron Howard, Norman Lear, Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw-Spielberg as well as studio executives Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen, Harvey Weinstein and Bud Yorkin.”

Hmm, what’s the common denominator between all these people? They call President Trump a predator for making an ill-advised offhand comment while chit-chatting with an Access Hollywood reporter?


The hypocrisy is overwhelming. Furthermore, the Clinton’s can only be bothered to care about themselves. Need any further proof of this? Head on over to the next page to hear how the Clinton Foundation plans on using the funds donated by Harvey Weinstein. And no they won’t be saving them for Chelsea’s second wedding… So head on over to the next page and stay on top of the latest developments surrounding this story.

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