Attempts to enforce our immigration laws are having some very unusual results. There’s the obvious illegality of establishing sanctuary cities where illegals can take refuge sponsored by local governments to help them avoid arrest by federal immigration authorities. We’ve also seen evidence to support the belief that illegals were deliberately allowed to vote in last November’s elections. None of this does anything to support respect for our laws.
Now it has been alleged that a judge has helped an illegal alien, on trial for driving while intoxicated, to escape from federal authorities trying to arrest the man for immigration law violations. It’s yet another strange twist as this country tries to come to terms with the enforcement of its laws — one you’ll learn about on page two.
But the $#%&!@*jail with the illegal sonbitch
These liberal judges should be disrobed and horse whipped. Obama too.
Typical of Portland, Oregon government. We recently had two different pedophiles for mayor, one is still hanging around, they’re immune from the law. NOTHING will happen too this Judge.
To this judge, not too.
She should not only be removed from duty, but prosecuted as well.
Good bye
Racist fucks you probably don’t know the facts
Hope she goes to jail for this oh wait two f in laws right one for them one for us why should we obey the laws when the government’s don’t .Can anyone answer that one? Or do you all feel like me