Pope Francis Signs ‘Universal Peace Document’ with Grand Imam of al-Azhar

Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, who was once named the most influential Muslim in the world, recently signed A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, which ‘forcefully rejects’ any justification of violence undertaken in the name of God. It also affirms ‘respect for believers of different faiths, the condemnation of all discrimination, the need to protect all places of worship, and the right to religious liberty, as well as the recognition of the rights of women.’

The document is heralded as a historic pledge of fraternity and lauded as a historical breakthrough. There are some big problems, however. One is that there is no reference of any kind to Jesus Christ or to the Bible. Another is that it uses the word God to represent the God of Christianity as well as Allah! The other major problem is that Dr. al-Tayeb has repeatedly contradicted all the lofty sentiments of the document when speaking in Arabic and appearing on Arabic media.

Let’s go over the details of this ‘end times’ document on the next page.




  1. Rhonda Heim
  2. bannedquran22

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